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This error message occurs when WPML can’t match a translated XLIFF file with the original one. The mismatch happens if you change your site’s content before uploading the translated XLIFF file, making it impossible for WPML to match the translations with the original. There are a couple of ways you can fix this issue. Solutions include manually editing the XLIFF file to match the updated ID or retranslating the translation jobs.

"The uploaded XLIFF file doesn’t belong to this system" error message
„The uploaded XLIFF file doesn’t belong to this system“ error message

How do I edit the XLIFF File to match the updated ID?

  1. Send the page you updated for translation again.
  2. Go to WPMLTranslations and export the new XLIFF file.
  3. Instead of translating it again, simply open the file and find the updated ID. It will look something like this:
<file original="116-1222155817dc90f4c385e8514c85ed7a" source-language="en" target-language="it" datatype="plaintext">
  1. Open the translated XLIFF file and update the ID to match.
  2. Upload the translated XLIFF file from the WPMLTranslations screen.

Can I retranslate the translation jobs?

If you don’t want to edit the XLIFF file, you can generate a new file with the correct ID by sending the translation job to be translated again. Please note that if your CAT tool does not have a translation memory, you will need to translate the page from scratch.

  1. Send the page you updated for translation again.
  2. Go to WPMLTranslations and export the new XLIFF file.
  3. Open and translate the file using your preferred CAT tool. The new XLIFF file this generates will match the original XLIFF ID correctly.
  4. Upload the translated XLIFF file from the WPMLTranslations screen.

How can I learn more about working with XLIFF files?

For more information about working with XLIFF files, see our documentation about configuring XLIFF file options generated by WPML and using desktop CAT tools.